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About Us

We are a mix of bilingual Americans and international students at universities in New York State, passionate about inviting people from around the world to enjoy visiting a NY College Town.

Susan Sontag

Explore New York College Towns!

We are the people behind NYCollegeTowns, a group led by two Americans with decades of experience living overseas, and supported by an enthusiastic team of bilingual students.


We help families from around the world explore the vibrant cultural centers where their children go to school in New York State.


We offer information, resources and support specifically designed for today’s families.


The program was launched by the New York State Division of Tourism  - I Love New York -  to bring the benefits of hosting international tourists to the College Towns in New York State.

NY College Towns WeChat

Contact Us

USA: (888) 666-8303
China: (+86) 1391-767-4397

© 2015-16 Market Force China

174 Jay Street

Albany, NY 12210

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